Lead the Change – Freelance Facilitators (Wales)

Please read the role description below, and then complete the Expression of Interest form, by COP Friday 1st March.

Please also send your CV and any other supporting documents to Candy Hovey at walesbystandertraining@plan-uk.org

FREELANCE Facilitator Advert

Supported by Welsh Government, Kindling Transformative Interventions are working with PLAN International-UK and Beyond Equality to offer free bystander training for the prevention of violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence (VAWDASV). This is part of Welsh Government’s Strategy to tackle violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Lead the Change, is an active bystander training that will be available to organisations, community groups, sports teams, education settings and workplaces in Wales from 2023-2026.

We are now recruiting confident and experienced, skilled facilitators to join our team for online and in person delivery in Welsh and English. You will be delivering Bystander intervention training working with organisations, workplaces, community groups, sports teams and education settings.

All training will be provided.

Train the Trainer will be on 13th, 20th, 21st March in Newport.

NB. Attendance at all 3 days is required. £100 per day is claimable for attending the training.

Expenses up to £30 per return journey is available for anyone travelling more than 2 hours, (receipts for all expenses required).

A limited budget is available for overnight accommodation costs (up to £60pppn). These expenses must be agreed in advance via Candy Hovey, walesbystandertraining@plan-uk.org, once places on the course are confirmed.


Training delivery is on a self-employed basis and freelancers are responsible for their own tax and National Insurance.

6 hour in person = £300
6 hour online = £265
2 hour in person = £110
2 hour online = £90

NB- this covers travel time and expenses.

Freelance Facilitator Role Description (English)

Kindling is a leader in their field and since 2014 have been designing and delivering evidence led bystander training for the prevention of gender-based violence.
Kindling are now recruiting confident and experienced, skilled facilitators to join their team for online and in person delivery in Welsh and English. All training will be provided.
You will be delivering Bystander intervention training working with organisations, workplaces, community groups, sports teams and education settings. The training you will deliver will empower people to challenge attitudes and behaviours that are supportive of violence/abuse. You will give people the skills, confidence, knowledge and practical tools and techniques to intervene skillfully and safely in a range of situations, whether with a stranger or with a friend.
The training aims to:
• Increase knowledge of Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (VAWDASV) and its warning signs
• Change attitudes so individuals can recognise a situation as problematic and understand why it is important to act
• Build skills so individuals possess the right knowledge and skills to respond safely

Person Specification
Essential Criteria

• Facilitation experience with adults.
• Well organised, professional and reliable.
• Ability to effectively deliver pre-written materials and keep to time.
• Ability to confidently hold a group together, balancing the needs of the different learning styles and pre-existing knowledge in the room.
• Experience of anti-oppression issues (gender, race, disability, etc.) either
through personal or professional experience and an awareness of own
• Excellent communication skills and ability to model inter-personal dynamics with co-facilitator, participants and clients.
• Confident delivering training online making use of full functionality;
screenshare, breakout rooms, etc.
• An understanding of the relevant Welsh social, geographical and political
• Access to own IT equipment (microphone, camera, laptop) and necessary
software, (MS Teams/Zoom/Powerpoint).
Desirable Criteria
• Knowledge of gender based violence and working to reduce VAWDASV
(Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence) and relevant campaigns.
• Knowledge of workplace harassment and relevant legislation.
• Experience of partnership working in a relevant organisation (public, private, or third sector).
• Ability to deliver training in Welsh Language.
• Driving license and access to own transport.
• Understanding of public health approach to preventing violence.
• Ability to work flexibly evening, weekend and travel to deliver training.
• Trained in safeguarding and managing disclosures.

Yn Gymraeg

Gyda chefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru, mae Kindling Transformative Interventions yn gweithio gyda Plan International UK a Beyond Equality i gynnig hyfforddiant gwylwyr (bystanders) am ddim er mwyn atal trais yn erbyn menywod, camdriniaeth ddomestig a thrais rhywiol.

Rydym ni bellach yn recriwtio hwyluswyr medrus, profiadol a hyderus i gyflwyno hyfforddiant ymyrraeth gan wylwyr i weithleoedd, sefydliadau cymunedol a chlybiau chwaraeon yng Nghymru o 2024-2026. Bydd cyflwyno’r hyfforddiant yn digwydd ar-lein ac wyneb yn wyneb a bydd ar gael yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg.

Darperir yr holl hyfforddiant. Y dyddiadau yw 13, 20 a’r 21 Mawrth yng Nghasnewydd. Bydd yn ofynnol mynychu pob un o’r 3 diwrnod. (Mae lwfans teithio a llety ar gael ynghyd â chyfradd hyfforddiant ddyddiol o £100)

A fyddech chi cystal â llenwi’r ffurflen Mynegiant o Ddiddordeb ac anfon eich CV ac unrhyw ddogfennau ategol at Candy Hovey yn walesbystandertraining@plan-uk.org erbyn diwedd diwrnod gwaith dydd Gwener 1 Mawrth.

Disgrifiad Swyddogaeth Hwylusydd Llawrydd
Gyda chefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru, mae Kindling Transformative Interventions yn gweithio gyda Plan International UK a Beyond Equality i gynnig hyfforddiant gwylwyr (bystanders) am ddim er mwyn atal trais yn erbyn menywod, camdriniaeth ddomestig a thrais rhywiol. Bydd yr hyfforddiant ar gael i sefydliadau, grwpiau cymunedol, timau
chwaraeon, lleoliadau addysg a gweithleoedd yng Nghymru rhwng 2023-2026.
Mae Kindling yn arweinydd yn y maes ac ers 2014 wedi dylunio a chyflwyno hyfforddiant gwylwyr ar sail tystiolaeth, i atal trais ar sail rhywedd. Bellach mae Kindling yn recriwtio hwyluswyr hyderus, medrus a phrofiadol i ymuno â’u tîm i gyflwyno hyfforddiant ar-lein ac wyneb yn wyneb yn y Gymraeg a Saesneg.
Darperir yr holl hyfforddiant.
Byddwch chi’n cyflwyno hyfforddiant ymyrraeth gan Wylwyr drwy weithio gyda sefydliadau, gweithleoedd, grwpiau cymunedol, timau chwaraeon a lleoliadau addysg.
Bydd yr hyfforddiant a rowch yn grymuso pobl i herio agweddau ac ymddygiadau sy’n cefnogi trais/camdriniaeth. Byddwch chi’n rhoi i bobl y sgiliau, yr hyder, yr wybodaeth a’r arfau a thechnegau ymarferol i ymyrryd yn fedrus ac yn ddiogel mewn amrywiaeth o sefyllfaoedd, boed gyda dieithryn neu ffrind.
Nod yr hyfforddiant yw:
• Cynyddu gwybodaeth am Drais yn Erbyn Menywod, Trais Domestig a Thrais Rhywiol a’r arwyddion sy’n rhybuddio amdanynt
• Newid agweddau er mwyn i unigolion allu adnabod sefyllfa fel un broblemus a deall pam mae’n bwysig gweithredu
• Meithrin sgiliau fel bod gan unigolion yr wybodaeth a’r sgiliau cywir i ymateb yn ddiogel

Manyleb Berson
Meini Prawf Hanfodol
• Profiad o hwyluso gydag oedolion.
• Yn drefnus, proffesiynol a dibynadwy.
• Hyfforddwyr sy’n effeithiol wrth gyflwyno deunyddiau a ysgrifenwyd ymlaen llaw a chadw at amser.
• Gallu i gadw grŵp ynghyd yn hyderus, gan gydbwyso anghenion yr arddulliau dysgu gwahanol a gwybodaeth sy’n bodoli’n barod sydd yn yr ystafell.
• Profiad o faterion gwrth-ormes (rhywedd, hil, anabledd, ac ati) naill ai trwy brofiad personol neu broffesiynol ac ymwybyddiaeth o’ch safbwynt eich hun.
• Sgiliau cyfathrebu o’r radd flaenaf a gallu i fodelu dynameg ryng-bersonol gyda chyd-hwylusydd, cyfranogwyr a chleientiaid.
• Yn hyderus wrth gyflwyno hyfforddiant ar-lein gan wneud defnydd llawn o’r cyfleusterau; rhannu sgrîn, ystafelloedd ymneilltuo, ac ati.
• Dealltwriaeth o dirlun cymdeithasol, daearyddol a gwleidyddol perthnasol
• Mynediad i’ch offer TG eich hun (microffôn, camera, gliniadur) a’r feddalwedd angenrheidiol (MS Teams/Zoom/Powerpoint).
Meini Prawf Dymunol
• Gwybodaeth am drais ar sail rhywedd a gweithio i leihau Trais yn Erbyn
Menywod, Trais Domestig a Thrais Rhywiol ac ymgyrchoedd perthnasol.
• Gwybodaeth am aflonyddu yn y gweithle a’r ddeddfwriaeth berthnasol.
• Profiad o waith partneriaeth mewn sefydliad perthnasol (sector cyhoeddus, sector preifat, neu’r trydydd sector).
• Gallu i gyflwyno hyfforddiant yn y Gymraeg.
• Trwydded yrru a mynediad i’ch cludiant eich hun.
• Dealltwriaeth o ymagwedd iechyd y cyhoedd at atal trais.
• Gallu i weithio’n hyblyg ar nosweithiau a phenwythnosau ac i deithio i gyflwyno hyfforddiant.
• Wedi derbyn hyfforddiant ar ddiogelu a rheoli datgeliadau.
Gwybodaeth ar gyfer cais:
Llenwch y ffurflen Mynegiant o Ddiddordeb ac anfonwch eich CV ac unrhywddogfennau ategol eraill at Candy Hovey yn walesbystandertraining@plan-uk.org
erbyn diwedd diwrnod gwaith dydd Gwener 1af Mawrth.